Tag: sexism

T’Hersday: A Piece of Meat

T’Hersday: A Piece of Meat


Pieces of meat. Apparently that’s what Dead Island: Riptide publishers Deep Silver think of their customers. A couple of months back it was revealed that in parts of the world if you pre-ordere ...

Ellie Removed From Last Of Us Promo Shots

Ellie Removed From Last Of Us Promo Shots


Here we go again! Many (not all!) gamers and members of the media seem to have a problem with women being gamers, or being in their games (outside of sex objects to be rescued, anyway). Case in point ...

Valhalla Knights 3’s Red Light District

Valhalla Knights 3’s Red Light District


I was never a huge fan of the Valhalla Knights series of games on PSP, mostly they were just an inoffensive offline MMO grind fest. But in Valhalla Knights 3 I find myself turned off from playing the ...