Noobz Doesn’t Even Deserve A Pun
Last night fellow Schmamer Patrick and I watched Noobz, the movie about ‘competitive gaming’ starring Jason Mewes of Jay and Silent Bob fame. And how awful it was. There is a compelling m ...
Beast of America: The Beast Revealed
(Welcome to the fourth and final entry in our series “Beast of America” analyzing the various social themes and messages found within Irrational Games’ latest masterpiece: BioShock Infinite.) All wee ...
Crying Wolf: Nintendo Edition
If you listen to the media, blogs, and the public in general you’d be forgiven for thinking Nintendo is in dire financial straits, about to give up being a hardware publisher, and move into the ...
The XBOX Reveal
Today’s the day, folks. Microsoft finally goes from having an “unannounced next generation system” to showing us what they’ve been working on for all these years. Are we excit ...
Missing the Mystery
What happened to our sense of wonder? I know, I know, you’ve heard it before. There’s no wonder left in the world, being so connected, focusing on Facebook and Twitter for hours a day kee ...
Animal Crossing, For The Hardcore Only
Here’s a thing: Animal Crossing is one of the most hardcore games you’ll ever play. No, really. Not because you have to learn patience and skill like in Dark Souls, or memorize endless li ...
Why I Wish It Was November 2015
If someone gave me the choice of fast-forwarding through time stopping somewhere around late 2015 I would probably leap at the chance. Not because I expect my life to be so much better, it’s ac ...
Time Poorly Spent
Gamers like to talk about their favorite games. We love to share the experiences of wonderful plot moments, incredible gameplay, and incredible fun matches with friends. We talk about moments in game ...
Some Words About Shin Megami Tensei IV
If you have a 3DS you need to be playing Shin Megami Tensei IV. It would be easy enough to leave it at that, and I almost feel like i should. There’s so many wonderful things going on in ...