Schmame Over: Link Between Worlds Special Edition
Spoilers abound for “The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds” today on Schmame Over, because that’s all we talk about! Join the Schmamers as the explore the worlds of Hyrule and Lorule and the mysteries contained within. Thankfully there aren’ ...
Schmame Over: The Return
(Please change your RSS feeds! We’re working on being up on iTunes, for now please use the feed at Thank you!) (General spoiler warning. If we talk about it on the show, we’ll spoil it!) The Schmamers are back! After too long of ...
New Year’s Schmresolutions: Family
Ah, resolutions. I enjoy setting goals and working towards them, it must have something to do with my athletic/competitive/psychopathic upbringing. Even though I could easily set a goal at literally any point in the year, the New Year gives me an opportunity to reflec ...
New Year’s Schmresolutions: Diversity
Confession: I need negative reinforcement. You want something done from me? You hire this guy. *ahem* So I knew right off there was no way I could just rattle off a New Year’s Schmresolution like these other losers and have any decent chance of following through on it ...
Ryse: Son of Rome SchmameReview
I should probably give a review of the Xbox One itself since I think I’m the only Schmamer who purchased the console. But I’ve only played two games on it so far and really haven’t done much else with it yet. Both games were created exclusively for the One. Let us discu ...
New Year’s Schmresolutions: Commitments
Did you know that I am a masochist? Not in any creepy sexual way, no, sheesh, but in my gaming tastes. My favorite game of 2013 was Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, the latest entry in a series of games known for being brutally hard, dense, and unforgiving to new players. I s ...
New Year’s Schmresolutions: Play Before You Pay
Would you kindly have a Happy New Year? I never know how to start these kinds of assignments. What will I do differently in 2014 in terms of my gaming? Honestly. Probably nothing. I don’t play games too often or too little. I’ve struck a nice balance between work, read ...
Schmame Over- Game of the Year
Today on Schmame Over, the Schmamers talk about their most dissapointing games, and their best games, of 2013. There are surprises, arguments, and impassioned discussions. Is Bioshock: Infinite the big winner? Is it an indie darling? Is it something obnoxiously Japanese ...
I’ve restarted this goddamn thing like ten times. There are so many things that I don’t want to write right now because I know if I do I will be compelled to honor them. So many promises I want to make that I know, eventually, won’t last. I know IR ...
Ho ho schmo! Welcome to part two of’s CHRISTMAS BREAK series, where Schmamers roast a chestnut or two and share Yuletide tales of gaming during that ever-so special time: Christmas Break. Check out part one here! For many and most “Christmas Br ...
CHRISTMAS BREAK: May Your Break Be Never Ending
The winter break is the best break you will ever have as a gaming child. Sure, summer break is nice with trips and lakes and blowing things up or building forts or trying to make out with people as you get older. Spring break is for college kids who’re too rich to have ...